Desde que
en 2008 los alumnos del IES
Valle del Saja (Cantabria)
comenzaran a subvencionar la
beca de estudios de Sudeep Magar
hasta hoy, han sucedido muchas
Diferentes iniciativas
comenzaron a generar dinero que
fue invirtiéndose en más becas,
algunas para niños/as y otras
para chicos/as que habían pasado
su infancia en uno de los
orfanatos más grandes de Nepal
(Bal Mandir Naxal).
La Casa
de los Sueños, Colegios e
Institutos, empresas,
socios/as... todos juntos logran
a día de hoy los recursos
necesarios para financiar más
becas de estudio y garantizar su
estabilidad en el tiempo.
De este
modo, Ruta6 puede decir que
gracias a canalizar todas estas
ayudas, un grupo de jóvenes han
podido finalizar su formación y
tener las herramientas
necesarias para una vida mejor.
Y para
compartir con todos los
socios/as y amigos/as de este
proyecto el sentido de cada euro
empleado, es un honor para Ruta6
mostrar las palabras de
agradecimiento de algunos de los
chicos/as que ya han finalizado
sus estudios.
a los alumnos del IES
Valle del Saja por inspirarnos.
Y gracias
a todos y cada uno de los
distintos amigos, socios,
empresas, instituciones y
Centros Educativos que colaboran
haciendo posible nuestro lema:
EDUCACIÓN como herramienta
Prakash Upadhaya ha estudiado Ingeniería Industrial
Sabitri Patak ha estudiado Derecho
Jeevan Upadhaya ha estudiado Turismo
Sonia Raut ha estudiado Azafata
Bhupendra Upadhaya ha estudiado Radiología
Prerana Chand ha estudiado Bachiller
Sagar Thapa ha estudiado Bachiller
Sudeep Magar ha estudiado Barista
Santosh Dithal ha estudiado Auxiliar Sanitario
Ghanshyam Paudel ha estudiado Ingeniería
![]() Gajendra Rana ha estudiado Administración |
Really thankful Ruta6, Eeverything is going well with me, actually it wouldnt have been perfect recently like this without ruta6. There are no words that could express thanks to you. I know I have finished my master degree, all this goes to ruta6 without which I couldnt have finished . I know I couldn't do anything to ruta6 right this moment and how that if , incase there comes a time in future that ruta6 needs me I will be there for any help either it may be physical or financial if i am capable of doing. I dont know how can I give thanks with a words. But really I am lucky to get ruta6 as my parents that support me financially as result I have been able. Really thanks with my heart. Gajendra Rana |
Realmente agradecido Ruta6, Todo me está yendo bien, pero de hecho, nada hubiera sido tan perfecto si no hubiese sido por Ruta6. No hay palabras que puedan expresar mi agradecimiento. Ahora he terminado un Master y todo gracias a Ruta6, sin su apoyo no hubiese podido terminar. En este momento no hay nada que pueda hacer por Ruta pero quiero que sepan que si en algún momento Ruta6 me necesita, estaré ahí para ayudar con mi trabajo físico y, si puedo, económico también. No sé cómo expresar mi agradecimiento con palabras... Pero soy realmente afortunado de tener a Ruta6 como mis padres, que me han apoyado económicamente por lo que he podido alcanzar mi meta. Muchísimas gracias, de todo corazón. Gajenda Rana |
![]() Sarita Gurung ha estudiado Administración |
Dear ruta6, Thank you so much for your innovative help and support that you have provided to me as well as to all of us. now, currently i am working in a restaurant name called boomerang, which in pokhara valley and I worked there as a cashier. I really want to say thank you to Ruta6 from the bottom of my heart. I know, it would not have been possible if this project would not have supported me financially and mentally. Hope in the future this project will leads more and goes ahead. The love and help support that ruta6 had provided to all the children of Balmandir would always be there in my memories. well, if in case if any sorts of help is needed then i am sure without any hesitation i am always there for this project. Thank you!! With regards Sarita!! |
Querida Ruta6, Muchas gracias por esa forma innovadora de ayuda y apoyo que me habéis proporcionado, a mi y a todos nosotros. Actualmente estoy trabajando en un restaurante que se llama Boomerang, en el Valle de Pokhara, y trabajo como cajera. Quiero dar las gracias a Ruta6, desde el fondo de mi corazón. Sé que este proyecto no hubiese sido posible si no me hubierais apoyado económica y emocionalmente. Espero que en el futuro este proyecto continúe y siga adelante. El amor, la ayuda y el apoyo que Ruta6 ha proporcionado a todos los niñ@s de Balmandir estará siempre en mis recuerdos. Si alguna vez Ruta6 necesita cualquier tipo de ayuda, yo estaré siempre dispuesta, sin ninguna vacilación. Gracias!! Un cordial saludo. Sarita!! |
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![]() Kalpana Bohara ha estudiado Trabajo Social |
Dear Sponsor Rut6 Spain I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for making my dream come true. I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honor and I am deeply appreciative of your support. I am currently working with Special need children as special teacher. Thank you again for your generosity and support. I promise you I will work very hard and eventually give something back to others, both as teacher and possibly a scholarship to future students like myself. Sincerely, Kalpana Bohara |
Querida Ruta6, Escribo para expresar mi sincero agradecimiento por hacer que mi sueño se convierta en realidad. Me emocione mucho cuando supe que me habían seleccionado y aprecio profundamente vuestro apoyo. En estos momentos estoy trabajando como profesora para niños con necesidades especiales. Gracias de nuevo por vuestra generosidad y apoyo. Os prometo que trabajaré muy duro y que finalmente poder dar también a otros, como profesora y posiblemente, con una beca a futuros estudiantes como yo misma. Atentamente, Kalpana Bohara |
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![]() Basanti Boktan ha estudiado Enfermería |
Dear ruta6, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sponsoring me. There aren’t any words to express how thankful I am for your kindness and big-bigheartedness in my education and well-being. My academic achievements would not be successful without your continuous financial assistance and support. Due to your support, I am able to be a qualified nurse and make a difference in other people’s life. Your sponsorship and constant support has helped me and others to realize that dreams do come true and that we can be what we want to be. Under your support, everyone feels secured that our education is steady and able to complete it successfully without any hindrances. I deeply appreciate your generosity and support for children like me. At the moment, I am studying Master in Nursing (Mental Health) and working in an aged care facility to assist the old people in achieving their independence through continuous support and care. Again thank you for everything and I appreciate all you do for my brothers, sisters and me. Regards, Basanti Moktan |
Querida Ruta6, Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer desde el fondo de mi corazón mi apadrinamiento. No hay palabras para expresar el agradecimiento que siento, por la bondad y grandeza de corazón que Ruta6 ha demostrado al cuidar de mi educación y de mi bienestar. Mis logros académicos no hubiesen tenido éxito sin la asistencia económica y el apoyo de Ruta6. Gracias a vuestro apoyo soy una enfermera cualificada y puedo marcar una diferencia en la vida de otras personas. Vuestro apadrinamiento y constante apoyo ha ayudado a que yo y otras personas nos demos cuenta de los sueños si se pueden convertir en realidad y que podemos ser, lo queramos ser. Con vuestro apoyo todos sentimos que nuestra educación se podrá completar sin obstáculos. Aprecio profundamente la generosidad y el apoyo para niñ@s como yo. En este momento estoy estudiando un Máster en enfermería (Salud Mental) y trabajando en una institución de cuidado de ancianos, para ayudar a la gente mayor a conseguir su independencia a través del apoyo y cuidado constante. De nuevo gracias por todo y agradezco todo lo que hacéis por mis hermanos y hermanas y por mi. Atentamente, Basanti Moktan |
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![]() Binda Karki ha estudiado Gestión Hotelera |
Ruta6, I am writing to thank you for your generous scholarship. I was very happy to learn hotel management. at global institute of hotel management and training centre santinagar, Baneshwor, kathmandu . I plan to purpose a career as a good chafe. I am currently working at a cafe. Thank you again your support. Binda Karki |
Ruta6, Escribo para agradeceros vuestra generosa beca. Me hizo muy feliz estudiar Gestion Hotelera en el “Global Institute Of Hotel Management” Santinagar, Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Mi plan es conseguir una carrera profesional como chef. Actualmente trabajo en un café. Gracias de nuevo por vuestro apoyo. Binda Karki |
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![]() Jagadishwor Baral ha estudiado Farmacia |
Dear ruta6 I feel one of the luckiest person in this world to have you in my life. The life I am living and the height I am gaining today is because of you. I still remember my past. Most important things I have learned from you is humanity, patients, loving and caring. Whenever I will be and whatever I will be, I will be following the path shown by you. I am here because of your help and dedication. You have done many things to me. Most important two things are you have established my career and made me a good citizen and a good human. I am always thankful to you Lots of love and respect Jagadishwor Baral |
Querida Ruta6, Me siento una de las personas más afortunadas del mundo por teneros en mi vida. La vida que estoy viviendo y la altura que estoy tomando hoy, es gracias a vosotros. Todavía recuerdo mi pasado. Las cosas más importantes que he aprendido de vosotros son humanidad, paciencia, amor y cariño. Donde quiera que esté y haga lo que haga, siempre estaré siguiendo el camino que me enseñasteis. Estoy aquí por vuestra ayuda y dedicación. Habéis hecho muchas cosas por mi. Las dos más importantes son que habéis permitido que consiga tener una carrera y hacerme una buena persona, un buen ciudadano y un buen ser humano. Siempre os estaré agradecido. Mucho amor y respeto. Jagadishwor Baral |
![]() ![]() Basant Budha I would like to thank you for the support and help me for my higher education. after I finished my S.L.C. I was very warried about my study and future. Because I am an orphan and I lost my father and mother when I was just 9 years old. Then after I lived in Kapilvastu, Bal Mandir (Branch of Naxal Bal Mandir). after I finished my school level study, I want to study higher education. At that time you provided me support and help for my study. Now I am going to complete my bachelor degree study. without your support this is not possible and You are the only reason behind my sucess. once again Thank you for making me eligible person. Thank you Ruta6 and Creative Nepal family. Your sincerely Basant Budha ![]() ![]() Devendra Oli ha estudiado Microbiología I would like to thank you for the support and help you provided to me. After I finished my SLC I was worried about my higher study. Because I am an orphan and I lost my Dad and Mom when I was 8 years old, I lived in Kapilvastu Balmandir and completed my education up to SLC. After SLC I returned to my society but without my parents and poor economical condition I was thinking of quiting the study. At that time you provided me support and help . Because of your support today I am able to complete Graduation in Microbiology. Because of this there are many doors of opportunities opened for me. Without your help I would have been nothing. You are the reason behind my success . I would like to thank you from the inner core of my heart for your love, care and support.
Thank you soo much
for making me eligible person . I also like to assure you
that I would always be ready to do anything that I can do to
help you. Yours sincerely Devendra Oli ![]() ![]() Netra Prasad Upadhaya ha estudiado Ingeniería I am very pleased to write a letter to
whom I have taken as guardians in my life. I still remember
the days where I used to work all day and late night to
complete my +2 level in science. I remember my past with
full of sorrow and struggles. Since after 2012 I am very
lucky to get your parental support through scholarship. I
build up my hope and courage to have better future because
of you. I am now an Engineer, because of you. I am very much thankful for all your
support and care for me. I will never forget in my life. I
want to make you sure that I am always ready for any things
to support your scholarship project for needy boys and girls
and children. As being honest, I have tried my best to
support your project in Nepal and I will continue it. Your
inspiration and guidance has made me in this position. I am
glad of that. I cannot imagine, where I will be, how will be
my life if I have not you in my life. I still remember my
friends from Balmandir due to lack of opportunities, are
forced for marriage, forced to leave country for labour etc.
It is miserable to say that, without proper guidance and
support many of our friends abandon study. At this moment, I
want to thanks god for making my contact with you. Now I am
proud to say, “I am the one”. I feel proud that I am able to
become an example for many of our upcoming generation whose
background is like mine. This strength and power is because
of you. I have no words to express my thanks to you. But,
from the inner corner of my heart I want to thanks all of
you who support me. At the end, I want to share my
happiness with you all, for my completion of bachelor degree
in Engineering with good marks. I wish Ruta6 and Creative
Nepal will continue this scholarship project for long last
so that many of our brothers and sisters will have similar
opportunities. Thanks a lot. I love all of you. Regards, Netra Prasad Upadhaya |